Introducing a new way to make your business more sustainable: Green Zebra

Click here to sign up to our ‘Blueprint for a greener business’ webinar on Wednesday 10th November at 12.30pm

“Hope is not passive. Hope is not blah, blah, blah. Hope is telling the truth. Hope is taking action. And hope always comes from the people.” – Greta Thunberg

Did Greta Thunberg’s comments make you squirm? We’ve all been guilty of a bit of “blah, blah, blah” when it comes to sustainability and environmental issues. In fact, Green Zebra, like many ideas, began with a bit of blah, blah, blah. We were introduced by a mutual friend because of our shared interest and qualifications in sustainability for business from Cambridge University.

We had plenty to talk about, and there were lots of heated conversations about what actions to take for our overheating planet. When it comes to sustainable, greener business we know there is a strong business case to act more sustainably:

  • Your business will almost certainly save money
  • Your customers, employees, collaborators and investors care about environmental issues
  • 92% of consumers say they have a more positive image of a company when it supports social or environmental issues (Nielsen)
  • 65% of customers and 76% of Millenials will research a company’s claims on environmental issues (Nielsen) – so greenwashing is not good enough

We know that lots of businesses would like to be more sustainable. And that many businesses are unaware of the ways that they could be more sustainable or the benefits to be gained from making changes.

How Green Zebra can help your business

Green Zebra is motivated by very real concerns about the future of our shared world. But we recognise that not every business is motivated by such lofty aspirations. And that’s okay. We get it. As business owners ourselves we know the challenge of trying to manage everything, of deciding which next step is the right next step, which fork in the road to take.

It can be difficult to know where to start when you want your business to be more sustainable. That’s where Green Zebra comes in – we’re going to make it easier for businesses to design, measure and implement sustainability strategies. Of course, it will still require commitment and effort from your business, but you won’t be doing it alone. You’ll have experts on hand to show you that it is possible to have a profitable business without harming the planet or people. To help you to get from “blah, blah, blah” to “taking action.”

What people say about Green Zebra

We piloted some of our services in 2020, here’s what our early clients had to say:

“Sarah and Linda are experts in sustainability. If you need subject matter expertise on this topic, look no further.” – John Fitzsimons, Fifth Storey

“Would highly recommend. A thought-provoking session which left our team with bags of ideas and actionable plans” – Sam Canning, Portwest (sustainability workshop attendee)

Making sustainability practical for your business

And “actionable” is the keyword here. Our approach is to make sustainability practical and achievable no matter what your organisation does. Whether you are big or small, established or a start up and regardless of the sector your business is in, Green Zebra can help your business to be greener with measurable strategic improvements.

Click here to sign up to our ‘Blueprint for a greener business’ webinar on Wednesday 10th November at 12.30pm and start taking action NOW.